# of watchers: 36
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2008-02-22 [Sweet Surrender]: thats really funny.
2008-02-22 [Warheart]: Epic win.
2008-02-23 [Obsidian Panthera]: Hahaha. Lulz
2008-02-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: anyone else on break this week?
2008-02-24 [Warheart]: No, mine is from 02/29 to 03/09.
2008-02-24 [Master Of Duct Tape]: damn you.
well, I'm going to laser quest with a bunch of people on thursday if anyone wants to go.
2008-02-25 [insanity prawn boy]: shweet! that's when mine is too.
2008-02-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: damn you both.
2008-02-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hehehe.
new tattoo:
2008-02-25 [Warheart]: S00par l33t.
2008-02-25 [insanity prawn boy]: my sentiments exactly!
2008-02-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha. thanks? lolz.
2008-02-25 [Master Of Duct Tape]: I have to say it's my favorite. =]
2008-02-26 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: its AMAZING!!!
2008-02-26 [Fear of the Soul]: KICK ASS!!! where is it?
2008-02-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: on my foot. =]
and thanks
2008-02-26 [Rowan]: oh, i thought it was your FACE!
not really. XD
2008-02-26 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haahaha. i have toes on my face!?!? damn.
2008-02-28 [Master Of Duct Tape]: nuh uh! lolz.
2008-03-04 [Sweet Surrender]: it turned out pretty.
2008-03-04 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha, it was pretty then! It's all ickyyy right now. grr. i hate the peeling process.
2008-03-05 [Sweet Surrender]: well it will go away....the peeling...
2008-03-06 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I hate it every time though.
2008-03-20 [risky]: ew. my tats peeling now too. yuck.
but if u get really bored this is well worth the read =)
2008-03-20 [Warheart]: Wow. That is, quite possibly, the best story ever.
2008-03-20 [Rowan]: that was fluffying amazing.
2008-03-20 [risky]: ha
2008-03-20 [risky]:
2008-03-21 [Obsidian Panthera]: GOD YES!
I think I saw that one before.
2008-03-21 [Rowan]: nice.
2008-03-21 [risky]: lol.
2008-03-21 [Warheart]: lulz.
2008-04-02 [Syn's Desire]: Boo!
2008-04-02 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
2008-04-03 [Master Of Duct Tape]: Hey V!
2008-04-04 [risky]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
2008-04-04 [Warheart]: Y helo thar everypeoples! =D
2008-04-05 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ahh! it's alex!
2008-04-05 [Syn's Desire]: Damn, at least they said hello to you Alex.... they ran away form me...
2008-04-05 [Warheart]: Sometimes being this awesome is a curse. =/ Anyways, how's stuff going in the Air Force? It's getting sort of lonely without running into BT kids all the time...
2008-04-05 [Syn's Desire]: It's lonely, but not as bad as I thought it'd be, I'm making a new family of my Flight 250/249, and now at Tech school, I'm gatehring a crew here as well.
2008-04-05 [Warheart]: Cool. The only "family" I really have here is my section from marching band, but I don't get to see them as often since band season's over. =P
2008-04-05 [Syn's Desire]: Awh...well here at Vandenberg, we are all really tight as we are the "shit of the Shit" in the AF.
2008-04-05 [Warheart]: So how much longer do you have in training? Do you know if you're getting deployed anywhere afterwards?
2008-04-05 [Syn's Desire]: I'm here until July 11, and I sew on A1C in Aug, prolly on the 2. After here, I'll PCS (permanent Change of Station) to one of three bases.
2008-04-05 [Warheart]: As in, overseas bases? Or here in the US?
2008-04-05 [Syn's Desire]: Here. MMt, or 2MO32, as my AFSC is called, only deploys to CONUS bases. Minot, Malmstrom, and FE Warren are my choices for PCS after here.
2008-04-05 [Warheart]: Well, I suppose that's better than having to go halfway across the Earth.
2008-04-05 [Rowan]: "shit of the shit?"
damn. thats deep shit right there.
2008-04-06 [Fear of the Soul]: Sorry, *greets* Welcome Back to Elfpack V. We miss you here.
2008-04-06 [risky]: yea =(
2008-04-06 [Rowan]: fuck welcome back to elfpack. welcome back to life. sorta. almost. uh...
<< .... >> ... << ... >> yea....
2008-04-06 [Fear of the Soul]: I wanted to say welcome back home.... but she's not exactly here. So welcome back to the internet!
2008-04-07 [Maya_Midnight]: welcome back in general is what pete is trying to say.
don't mind him, he has trouble talking.
2008-04-08 [Rowan]: i have trouble doing everything.
well...not quite everything. but most things.
2008-04-08 [withWater]: na pretty much everything...
lol. just teasing hun...
2008-04-08 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hey guys... =]
2008-04-08 [Warheart]: Y helo thar! =D
2008-04-09 [Syn's Desire]: Yeah, I am truely the shit of the shitShits! I am the ultimate Missile Monkey of the squadron, and I have the coin to prove it!
2008-04-09 [Maya_Midnight]: lol. i love the military and their coin fetish.
they give out coins for EVERYTHING, i swear!
2008-04-09 [Rowan]: *glare* uh huh.
So, I suggest that we all have some sort of giant fucking party/picnic this summer.
2008-04-09 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: giant fucking party?
2008-04-09 [Sweet Surrender]: a giant fucking party/picnic..
2008-04-09 [Warheart]: HUZZAH!
2008-04-09 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *pokes twiggy*
2008-04-09 [Rowan]: let me reorder that...fucking giant party/picnic. no actual "fucking" involved. otherwise i would have suggested an orgy. which...prolly not. i was never one for sharing. lol.
2008-04-10 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs and tilts my head* have fun with that? at least someone got what i was getting at...
2008-04-10 [Maya_Midnight]: row, you better not be glaring at me.
if you guys wanna come out to my place this summer, i can hold a small bash... i think.
depends on my roomies.
2008-04-10 [Rowan]: as in if they leave? because if we have a small bash, its going to be like a drop of nytroglycerine
2008-04-11 [Syn's Desire]: Heh, if you all want me in it, you'll have to wait until the begining of July...I'll be home for a few days then I thinks.
2008-04-11 [Maya_Midnight]: no, as in if they're ok w/ it.
but i'm still not sure exactly where i'm living.
2008-04-11 [risky]: giant orgy picnic at shannyns new apartment!! ^_^ (coming soon)
hehe. i made a pun.
2008-04-12 [Rowan]: punny punny pun pun. WHHEEE
2008-04-12 [Warheart]: do it for teh lulz.
2008-04-12 [risky]: lmao
2008-04-19 [Vincent Stryke]: Holy shit! You people are still alive. Surprise surprise
2008-04-19 [Rowan]: we're like aids, we NEVER GO AWAY.
2008-04-19 [Vincent Stryke]: Shit yeah. I thought I'd be dead or blown up or something by now, but I'm still kickin for now. How's everyone else doing?
2008-04-20 [Maya_Midnight]: nope. we're like gonnahsyphasup
2008-04-22 [Syn's Desire]: You nearly were gone love...but it's all good now...
How's it kicking you all?
2008-04-22 [Vincent Stryke]: Pfft yeah. Thought my ass was grass. I'm surprised I'm still here...
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Your ass nearly was grass, love.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: I know. That's why I said it, because it was almost true.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: BUt we good now, yes?
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: That's up to you, Babe.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: To both of us.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: I'm good. Are you?
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I'm good.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Good. Then we are good. And nothing like that will ever happen again. I'm making sure of that. And I'm going to make sure everyone else (i.e. Chris, Smokey, my roommate) makes sure of that as well.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: How would they make sure of that?
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Much less, how are you making sure of that?
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Keeping my dumbass in check. Back at home I had them around a lot and they kept me in check. More so Smokey than Chris but Chris has been a little busy so I haven't had a chance to talk to him and Smokey is unreachable by me. But I'm good now. I can feel it.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: You can feel it? Explain please?
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: It's a bit difficult to explain. I can just feel that part of my being caged once again. And he needs to stay there. There's no longer a reason for him to be out and hasn't for sometime now.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: *flinches slightly, showing it only in her eyes mostly* ....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: ...What?
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: *mumbles slightly* I never wanted to cage you. Never. Not any part of you....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Babe, that part has been caged for some time and should stay caged.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: What part is that, and why should it stay caged?
You know I never want to cage you, never....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: The part that reared it's ugly head which is part of that same part that came out that one night at the apartment...
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: But as scary as that side was, I'd like to face him again.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: You know where he is.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: And I know how to trip him too.
But I wouldn't do that without your permission/con
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: I don't care. If you want to face him again, have at it.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I call bullshit on you not caring.
I call a huge load of bullshit on that one.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: And why's that?
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: You cared. Last time I tripped him.
Big time.
Hence I call bullshit.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Then you wanted to face him again before, and I told you I didn't care then. And I'm telling you now, I don't care.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Ok then....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: So if you want, have at it.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I will. I'd like to face him again.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Next time we get a chance, go for it. That's your call..
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Most defiantly!
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Might I ask why though? Especially after last time.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Why wouldn't I?
What about last time would stop me?
It's not like you didn't know I've had a death wish.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Other than the fear in your eyes, I don't know. I guess I'm just odd.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I live for that love, you know that....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Mm. Alrighty then. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I know.
He scares the shit outta me. Hence I'd like to play him again.
If you are fine with that.
and you know, there's a few dozen bandaids and neosporen around for afterwards....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: -shrugs- Works for me. He likes to have fun with it.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: No, he likes to kill. I don't intend to let him kill. You might object to that if I did let him.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah. Quite a bit. Though it depends on what he's doing. He likes to have fun with something before he kills it.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: But he'd still kill in the end, and you wouldn't like that, so out of respect for you, I'll not let him kill me...
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: He might. Depending on what he's playing with.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I'm not goign to let him kill me, least not without one helluva fight. I got shit to do still on this life, I aint letting him have it yet.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah. THere's plenty of shit to get done.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Hence death is not on my list. but I'd liek to play him,.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Alright. Have at it.
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: I will...later. when I have a chance too.
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah...When there's a chance..
2008-04-23 [Syn's Desire]: Whenever that may be again....
2008-04-23 [Vincent Stryke]: Yeah...Who the piss knows..
2008-04-26 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ...*looks at both of you* have fun with that you two...remember the bandages this time.
2008-04-26 [Syn's Desire]: Yeah....
2008-04-26 [Vincent Stryke]: Right...
2008-04-26 [Syn's Desire]: Bandages would be a god send right now...
2008-04-26 [Vincent Stryke]: Meh...
2008-04-26 [Syn's Desire]: Or an Ice pack...that would help too.
2008-04-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shrugs and walks off*
2008-06-05 [risky]: i just have to say (mostly to drew and v) that i saw a guy today with a licence plate that said OMGWHEE! and it was pretty much the awesomeist thing ever. that is all.
2008-06-06 [Syn's Desire]: OMG...that
s fucking awsume!
2008-06-06 [Rowan]: I'VE SEEN THAT!!!!
2008-06-06 [Rowan]: you know what really grinds my gears? when ugly people try to message you and talk to you.
2008-06-06 [Syn's Desire]: lol, nice...
2008-06-06 [Fear of the Soul]: woooooooooow..
2008-06-06 [Maya_Midnight]: you know what really grinds my gears? when guys try to say that they're going to "own" me and that they want to "possess me." child, please. i destroy boys like you before i'm even done with brushing my teeth in the morning. i'd like to see them try, really, i would.
2008-06-07 [Obsidian Panthera]: Grr, large text grinds my gears. =P
2008-06-07 [Syn's Desire]: lol....
2008-06-07 [Maya_Midnight]: alex, you're just angry with the world. =)
doesn't mean we don't love you, just that you're angry because you listen to too much metal. =)
2008-06-07 [Warheart]: No, I'm angry because other people are STUPID. If there were no stupid people, I would exist in a Nirvana-like state of perfect happiness.
2008-06-07 [Maya_Midnight]: we all would. =)
but unfortunatly, perfect happiness is rarely found in this world.
2008-06-08 [Fear of the Soul]: O_O...... ahyup
2008-06-08 [risky]: im perfectly happy!!! =D
or maybe its the ecstasy...
hmm... ill get back to you on that...
2008-06-09 [Rowan]: yea...it does that.
2008-06-09 [risky]: YOU WOULD KNO!!!!!111!11
2008-06-09 [Maya_Midnight]: your mother would know.
2008-06-09 [risky]: my mothers a crack head soo... probably =D
2008-06-09 [Maya_Midnight]: lol, i was actually talking about pete's mom... but that works too. =)
2008-06-09 [risky]: lmao. petes mom could be a crackhead too. never know these days...
2008-06-11 [Rowan]: WHOA. whoa. i'm A CRACK BABY. that does NOT mean, my parents still do hard drugs. JEEZ.
as for not so hard drugs...
2008-06-12 [Maya_Midnight]: key word, still. lmao. *teases* we all know you've gotten high w/ your mom, Row. lol.
2008-06-12 [Syn's Desire]: so....who's gonna come see me in like, 16-17 days?
2008-06-12 [Maya_Midnight]: i'm not compleatly sure, but try not to be too shocked if you see a sissy-ter on your doorstep.
2008-06-12 [Syn's Desire]: Be there!!!!
2008-06-12 [Maya_Midnight]: ^_^ we'll see.
2008-06-12 [Vincent Stryke]: I'm gonna come see you. -shrugs-
2008-06-12 [Syn's Desire]: I know you are, and you have no idea how happy that makes me!
2008-06-12 [Vincent Stryke]: Uh, I think I have some sort of clue...
2008-06-12 [Syn's Desire]: Yeah? Jsut maybe, you know, you are the other half of me....
2008-06-12 [Vincent Stryke]: Heh. Yeah. That may just do it..
2008-06-12 [Syn's Desire]: *pounces, snuggling tightly* can't wait love, can't wait.
2008-06-12 [Vincent Stryke]: *counter pounces, snuggling back* You're telling me! Counting down days and shit...
2008-06-12 [Syn's Desire]: *hits ground under you, wheezing slightly* hellah yeah!
2008-06-12 [Vincent Stryke]: *licks* Fuckin can't wait!...
2008-06-12 [Rowan]: so what should we do? granted you two are going to be attached... would your knee be up for laser tag? or better yet...drunken laser tag?
2008-06-12 [Maya_Midnight]: i'm SO DOWN for drunken laser tag!!!!!!!!!!
2008-06-13 [risky]: im gonna come rape you hehe... *sneaky look* you in pete?
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: I could do laser tag, if I was careful with it.....
Shannyn rape? sounds like fun to me, long as you get it by Jay...
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: Drunken laser tag?! Shit yeah! That's so much fucking fun!!!
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: We can't drink love.
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: Why not?!
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: In the military?! underage?
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: So. They don't have to know. It's not like we've been caught before.
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: Love....we will see about drinking out of public eyes, but not where it's public domain.
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: Ugh...Fine. What if we seem sober?
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: No.
Period. Not in public eyes.
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: Why?
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: too many eyes, and I can't fuck up, not with the AF the way it is in conjunction with PRP and Nucsure jobs like mine...
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: You still have your PRP? And it's not like they would know we were in the AF.
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: My PRP just finished getting certified. It stays with me as long as I'm an X2.
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: I thought you told me it got pulled.
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: I got it back two days ago... I turned in the drugs and said no more.
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: Awesome.
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: I couldn't handle the drugs on top of everything else, and they were not keeping me form being sick.
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: It did, but now, I'm handling the pain alright for the most part, and as long as I don't focus on the sickness, i'm alright i guess, or at least faking it well....
2008-06-13 [Vincent Stryke]: Good. Cept for the faking it part.
2008-06-13 [Syn's Desire]: I'm not ok love, you know that....i'm sick and i hurt like hell, but I can shut down enough for it to function well, and fake it.
Number of comments: 11922
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